
Wednesday 28 September 2011

Lovely, Lovely Snail Mail

Reel Colour Print Set

Over the last few weeks I have been the recipient of some amazing snail mail and today I am finally going to show off what I received.  The first package came from the very sweet Kellie of 74 Lime Lane.  She was the coordinator of the snail mail swap I joined a few months back and she very kindly sent me a package of her gorgeous photography creations when she was told that one of my swaps hadn't reached me and that I had been unable to contact the other swapper.  Talk about above and beyond the call of duty!

Brownie Beauty Print

The second package I received in the mail was a giveaway prize I won from my friend Jess' Epheriell Designs blog.  Jess had the privilege of reviewing and hosting a Hardie Grant giveaway of the book Design*Sponge at Home, by Grace Bonney.  I have loved Design*Sponge ever since I discovered their site back in early 2009, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to be announced as the winner of the giveaway!  My girls and I have had a lot of fun looking through the book and I am getting some ideas for ways I can decorate my home...though this may just be a pipe dream.   ;)

Design*Sponge at Home

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