
Friday 30 September 2011

Friday Finds - Chandeliers

Last week I shared about my love for sushi and sushi-themed items (see here), so I thought that this week I would share my love for something a little more classy, he he - chandeliers!  I love chandeliers and would dearly love to have a big fancy one (or two) in my home but that kind of thing doesn't particularly fit in with the style of our 1980s home.  That being said, it hasn't stopped me from plotting to fill my home with chandelier-themed artwork or creations, although I am yet to make a chandelier dictionary print for myself despite the number I have made for my customers, LOL.  Here are just a few examples of handmade items which can help to introduce a chandelier theme to your home.   :)

1920s Petite Dewdrop Chandelier

Chandelier Fine Art Print

Chandelier Pillow Cover

Chandelier Print T-shirt

Chandelier Canvas

1 comment:

  1. Well, how lucky am I, to have my chandelier featured in such an awesome blog, by such an awesome fellow designer?! Thanks so much, and note that you, Deb, are my new favorite!

    Yours In Shameless Decadence,
    Jennie K. Snyder
    Queen Decor


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