
Monday 3 October 2011

New Beginnings and Directions

Mr Cheeky Monkeys, cheeky monkey #1 (who was 16 months old then) and me (with cheeky monkey #2 in utero) after my graduation.

As you may know, I have a background in research science and my pre-handmade business day job was as a scientist at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne.  I spent all five years of my PhD, and the one year that I worked after graduating, studying the biology behind serious side effects of radiation therapy until I decided to quit my job when cheeky monkey #2 was born.  I always hoped to return to the research world when both of my children were older, but the competitive and government-funded nature of the industry meant that it was impossible for me to find anyone willing to hire me on a part-time basis.  And hence, Two Cheeky Monkeys (and now Domum Vindemia) was born out of the time I now had to re-explore my creative side.

Monash Institute of Medical Research

Although I missed my old profession, I have enjoyed my immersion into the handmade world and feel blessed to have met (both online and in real life) so many amazing artisans and craftspeople both from Australia and around the world.  In fact, I have been starting to feel like I was finally settling into this new world of mine when I was offered a part-time job out of the blue, which I have since accepted.  Although I have some reservations about taking up this new position, I am thankful for the opportunity and do realise what a miracle and a blessing it is to receive such an offer.  Because my new job is part-time, I hope to keep running my online stores as well as tending to this blog, although I obviously won't be able to devote as much time to them.  I don't know how things are going to work out, but I hope and pray that I can balance the many facets of my life.  I would appreciate your prayers on my behalf and look forward to enjoying both the science and handmade worlds together.    :)


  1. goodluck Deb!!! all the best with your new a part-timer myself I must say its not always easy but we mums do our best!

  2. Best of luck, Deb!
    I have a part-time job that often comes home with me :) and life is busy - but if it wasn't I'm sure that I'd make it busy:) Aren't mums great at multi-tasking!
    A cure for cancer, or even more effective treatment would be amazing!

  3. Best of luck Deb! I think you'll do fabulous work at your new job! Just remember to take a breather at times and always find a balance between work and family. I'm lucky to have both my online work and my part time work which I also love. It's worked out well for me...although I may have it easier since I don't have kids yet lol. xoxox


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