
Monday 26 September 2011

My Big Girl!

I can't believe that my oldest baby is six!  I can still remember struggling to finish my PhD thesis while I was pregnant with her and then while she was a demanding newborn who wouldn't breast feed properly.  Those were crazy days indeed!  But now here she is, able to do most things for herself (except, apparently, tie her shoelaces), reading, writing and waiting impatiently for the day she grows taller than me (I estimate it will take her 2-3 years to catch up to me - eep) and is allowed to own and drive a car.  Here is a montage of pictures from her rainbow-themed birthday party (and other areas of her life), she really loved all the colour in the food and decorations.  Happy birthday, my cheeky monkey #1!!!


  1. So glad she had a happy day! They all look like they're having fun!

  2. Very cute montage! Don't they grow up fast!

  3. wonderful to look back, wonderful and I'm sure sometimes nerve-racking to look forward, but when you are rich in love, all is well.

  4. aw, Happy Birthday to your girl :)

  5. awww happy birthday to your big girl!!! gorgeous...

  6. Happy Birthday - lovely photos!


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