
Thursday 18 February 2016

One for the Mary Poppins fans

You might have noticed that things have been a little quiet around here of late.  No, I am definitely not neglecting you all, I've just been taking a little break to get the Cheeky Monkeys family back into the routine of the school year as well as to work on custom orders and new designs for Two Cheeky Monkeys and Domum Vindemia.

image magnet set mary poppins pl travers 17 cherry tree lane mr banks domum vindemia literature handmade

One of my favourite new items is for the Mary Poppins fans, especially those who loved PL Travers' books rather than just loving the Disney movie.  I've been playing around with a new addition to the literature magnet range and have finally added a Mary Poppins set!  For the moment I am selling the magnet sets with the four characters shown above, but I am more than happy to make magnets with other names, such as Bert or Mrs Banks.  Who were your favourite characters in the books or movie?

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