
Wednesday 10 February 2016

Confessions of a messy craft hoarder

Today's post is something of a confession about how slovenly I have gotten with my drawers of supplies, stationery and other business-related tools and paperwork.  As some of you know, I am not the neatest of people, made worse by the fact that I inherited a hoarding tendency from my dad (who was rapidly turning into a crazy newspaper collection guy before he passed away).

drawer reorganisation before messy

But sometimes we hoarders realise just what kind of a mess we've gotten ourselves into and start to take steps to rectify the problem.  This was me when I realised that I couldn't find any scissors or markers in my stationery drawer because it was so disorganised, and that the mess was being made worse every time Mr Cheeky Monkeys and the small Cheeky Monkeys rummaged through my drawer in search of stationery.

drawer reorganisation after homemade drawer compartments modules cereal box tea tissue

So, after a little Googling, I found a few hints for DIYing a desk drawer makeover.  The best suggestions were to make your own drawer dividers or compartments, which is not only cheaper, but also meant that I could get dividers and compartments to nicely fit my drawer size without having to hunt every homewares store I could find!  I really liked the idea of re-using old cereal boxes as shared on iheart organizing, so several of my half empty tea, cereal and tissue boxes went mysteriously missing...  So what do you think?

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