
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Little Golden Books and a Short Hiatus

image little golden book bunting bunnies' ABC alphabet rabbits crocodile animals

You may notice this week that there are fewer blog posts than usual.  No, I am not ignoring my lovely readers, and no, I do not have "blogger's block".  I am just taking some time off from life after pushing my back a little too hard this past weekend (note to self: never spend a day wearing high heels after going for a hard run).  I think the proverbial straw that broke my back was my rather unorthodox method of sitting/semi crouching on the floor while pinning buntings together.  However, such foolish behaviour did result in the completion of four new Golden Book buntings for Domum Vindemia!  I'll be adding these to my store as soon as my back has made a full recovery, and I will also hopefully be fit enough to sew up some more buntings in a week or so.  In the mean time, it's lots of stretching and bed rest for me as well as the occasional therapeutic massage from Mr Cheeky Monkeys.

image golden book bunting i can fly little girl animals

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