
Friday 18 October 2013

Art I Love - Naomi Ullman

Today I am sharing the work of another Australian artist I discovered on my recent roadtrip, and that is the work of Naomi Ullman.  When I first saw her quirky snow dome creations, I wasn't sure what to make of them.  But then I looked a little closer and realised that the little building within each snow dome was constructed from old credit and store cards!

Reading through the exhibit explanation, I was fascinated to learn that these snow domes were created as a poignant, if not offbeat, commentary on the Australian "home owners' dream".  Not being the kind of person who makes social commentary via art, I was quite taken by this "think outside the box" method of doing so.  Who would have thought to combine the iconic snow dome with old credit cards to make a statement about social excess and ecological conservation!

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