
Monday 21 January 2013

Learning To Sew

With another one and a half weeks still to go of school holidays, I have been busily thinking up ways to entertain the two cheeky monkeys.  Amdist a flurry of outings and playdates, there are times when one child or other doesn't have anything organised and ends up at home (and bored) with mum.  This was the case for cheeky monkey #1 last week, so I decided to finally honour my promise to teach her how to sew with my sewing machine.
She was a little nervous about getting stabbed by the machine's needle (which was not helped by my exclamation of pain when I accidentally stabbed myself with the quilting pins), but she was eager to tackle the very simple sleeping bag design I devised for her.  And when I say simple, I mean simple!  We sewed two rectangles of fabric together, turned the whole thing right sides out, ironed it, folded one end two thirds of the way up, then simply top stitched around the edges to create the bag shape.  And voila, I had one very happy little girl and a favourite soft toy had somewhere to sleep.  Really, the only problem we had with the whole exercise was that, once monkey #1 got over her fear of being stabbed by a needle, she was a bit of a lead foot with the sewing machine pedal.  Better warn Mr Cheeky Monkeys about that lead foot tendency before he has to teach her how to drive!!!

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