
Wednesday 16 January 2013

Introducing a New Stockist - The Bower Bird Project

I realised the other day that with the flurry of Christmas preparations and various end of year concerts and parties, I completely forgot to tell you all about a wonderful new stockist of Domum Vindemia and Two Cheeky Monkeys products!  So without further ado, let me introduce you to The Bower Bird Project.

The Bower Bird Project is a New South Wales-based, bricks and mortar store full of upcycled and vintage-styled creations by various artists and craftspeople.  It is run by Leanne, a lovely online friend I met through the Aussie DUST team on Etsy, who is herself a very talented creator of hand-dyed wearables and accessories.
The Bower Bird Project is currently stocking my dictionary page prints, buntings and P&P buttons, so if you're anywhere near Long Jetty, NSW, drop in for a visit and enjoy the host of amazing creations instore.  Leanne is also working on setting up an online version of The Bower Bird Project, so keep watching the store's Facebook page for updates.

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