
Monday 29 October 2012

Things I Love

image Florentine Cutaway Scroll Body Resonator Guitar

 I don't know if I have mentioned this on the blog before, but did you know that I started learning to play the piano at the tender age of four?  Besides the fact that it is easier to take on this kind of endeavour at a young age, my parents enrolled me in music lessons because they noticed that would make up little dances to the supermarket muzak whenever we went shopping and that I apparently had a real sense of rhythm and music.  Sometimes I think that perhaps they should have enrolled me for dance classes, but knowing how uncoordinated I am, music was probably the better choice!

image Map of the World Map from Old Sheet Music Art Print

Anyway, fast forward cough thirty-one years, and I am grateful that my parents made the effort to give me a grounding in musical appreciation.  From the little girl who would dance to shopping centre music, I have grown into a woman who loves most musical styles, with my CD and MP3 collection ranging from classical music through to all sorts of rock, pop, dance and jazz.  I do, however, draw the line at country and western music, he he he.

image Music iPhone case

 But I don't just love listening to music, I also love all things handmade related to music.  I love wonderfully handcrafted instruments, carved busts of famous composers and music-themed accessories and jewellery.  Of course, being a pianist I especially love anything piano-related, though I do love the look and sound of stringed instruments too, especially the cello.  So what about you?  Do you play an instrument (or instruments)?  Or do you just wistfully enjoy the beauty of others' performances or music-themed creations?

image Baby Grand Piano Bookcase

1 comment:

  1. Swooning over that Beethoven cabinet! How beautiful & inventive.

    <3 Melissa


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