
Friday 26 October 2012

How to use baker's twine...other than tying up packages, I mean!

image crochet button anklet baker's twine blue aqua pink grey

As I looked back over this year's posts, I noticed that there have been a lot of posts commenting on how illness had affected my creating for the week.'s post is, unfortunately, no different.  But in spite of catching Mr Cheeky Monkeys' bronchitis germs, I have managed to create quite a bit this week.  Or maybe that's because falling ill has meant that I've had to sit around and enjoy the sunshine rather than going out for my regular exercise run!

image crochet button garland baker's twine brown vintage pink grey

So while I sat in the sunshine watching the cheeky monkeys running around the garden the other day, I had a little play with an idea that's been in my head for a while - using gorgeous baker's twine for crochet projects.  I recently received a large spool of twine from my friend Chibi Run and the cheeky monkeys have been pretty keen for me to share it with them.  My first non-packaging use for this pretty twine was as a fun button garland.  This delicate garland was really easy to put together - I simply strung a stack of buttons onto the twine then chain stitched a long chain, occasionally incorporating a button into the crochet.  If I'd thought properly about it, I would have crocheted a loop at the start and end of the garland for ease of hanging.

image crochet button garland baker's twine

I also made some summery anklets for the cheeky monkeys using the same technique, simply adding a clasp to the ends for wear.  You could easily make bracelets or necklaces this way too, or turn your garland of buttons into an embellishment for a gift.  Though that would technically mean that you are using baker's twine for packaging...   ;)

1 comment:

  1. Another way to use twine and buttons. That's creative thinking, Deb

    xx Cass


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