
Monday 25 April 2011

Fun New Creations

I have spent the last two and half weeks of school holidays entertaining the two cheeky monkeys, including trying out several new crafting techniques and ideas.  Mind you, not all of our projects were successfully attempted (it's better that you not see my highly dubious attempts at rolled fabric flowers and singed petal flowers).  But, we did manage to knock up some fun (and for me, rather girly) accessories this holidays!

One project which turned out quite well were ruffled ribbon bracelets.  I got the idea from Craft Snob, which is full of great floral and fabric tutorials and ideas.  The girls had a lot of fun shopping for the ribbon (of course, Miss 3's ribbon just had to be pink) and these bracelets were very quick to create.  I have to say, though, that I have been tackling so many sewing projects involving ruffles of late, that I am getting a little bit tired of ruffles!

One thing I haven't gotten over is my love of fabric yoyos (or Suffolk puffs)!  The girls love the yoyo clips I made for them (see here) so much that I thought I would make a few for myself.  Of course my clips are a little "classier" than the ones I made for the girls since I am more "mature" than they are, he he he.  To achieve my classy look, I added ribbon, lace and stylish vintage buttons to my yoyos.  I also attached my yoyos to bobby pins rather than the snap clips which I normally use for kiddie hair accessories.

I'm thinking that these yoyo clips would make good hair accessories for flower girls or even bridesmaids (especially the lace-covered ones), so I might add a few of these to my stores when I've found some more suitably fancy buttons.  What do you think?

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