
Wednesday 27 April 2011

Domum Vindemia Launch!!!

I am thrilled to announce today that I am finally launching my homewares store, Domum Vindemia!!!  As you will find when you head over to my store, I am opening with a small range of vintage doily buntings and upcycled cake stands.  For the time being, I will only be selling my Domum Vindemia creations on Madeit, but I do have plans to open a store on Etsy once I have more items created.

To celebrate the long-awaited launch of my new venture, I am offering all of my blog readers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers 10% off your first purchase.  Just use the code "LAUNCH10" when you make your purchase and I will refund you the difference via Paypal.  For those of you who would prefer to pay in USD, I am happy to send you a new Paypal invoice in USD until my Etsy store is opened.


  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Love your blog and your shop! Good luck with the giveaway. Jane xx

  2. Congrats and good luck with your new store!


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