
Friday 1 April 2011

Feature Friday - 2Kute

Yes, my feature Friday posts are back!!!  This is my first post for the year and I will be scheduling more feature Friday posts throughout 2011.  My first featured artisan for the year is Rose of 2kute, a fellow CAST member and the creator of some very cute crocheted items!  So let's find out a little about some of her creative journey so far...

Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Rose and Etsy is my job.  I no longer have a 'dayjob' due to health problems.  I found myself home, sick and bored. TV was my friend and companion (along with Bambam, my yorkie), my favorite channel was HGTV and I started to watch craft shows.  That is when I decided to go back to crochet.

Describe yourself in five words.
Funny, peace maker, stubborn, perfectionist, optimist.

When and how did you first start crafting/creating?
I started to crochet in my early teens but then life happened, school, marriage, children, career... hen back in 2003 I became ill and had to quit my job.  That is when I picked crochet back up again and really delved into it, learning more stitches and techniques

What do you create and what are your favourite materials with which to work?
I crochet pretty much everything and anything, however, my passion is hats.  I love making hats.  I love the natural fibers - cotton and wool are two of my favorite.

 When and how did you start selling online?
I signed for Etsy in January 2008, but I was so afraid to list my items.  So it really took me about five to six months to build up the courage to take pictures of what I had made and list them.

Describe your store in five words.
Cool, colorful, warm, cozy, eclectic.

Who or what are the influences behind your creations?
Everything.  I can get inspired by the colors in a magazine, or a commercial on TV, nature, flowers.  I love flowers.

Where can we find you online?
My other shop:


  1. So much cuteness! I love the booties so much. I need another baby around...hehehe

  2. thank you for the feature. Your blog looks great!

  3. Love your creations, Rose! Very pretty! :)

  4. Great feature!!! Rose is one of my North Florida Craft Revolution buddies! Super Shop and a Super lady!!


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