
Monday 28 March 2011

That's right, I'm blogging about bunting again...

Okay, this will probably be my last bunting post for a while...I think, he he he!  Surprising as it may seem, the bunting that I promised to sew for the two cheeky monkeys (see here) is finally finished.  I think I made the project much harder for myself by agreeing to adorn the bunting flags with various laces, ribbons and applique shapes but I am a bit of a sucker when it comes to my kids' crafty requests.  Deciding to use ribbon instead of bias tape for the bunting tape was also not a good call - live and learn!

The girls chose the fabric for the buntings themselves and I have to say that I'm quite surprised that they actually match quite well.  They were all for rummaging through my lace and ribbon supplies too, but I thought it was safer for me to just pull out the trims which matched their fabric choices.

My favourite part of the buntings is the vintage sari silk scraps I used to decorate several of the flags.  These strips of fabric are among my favourite trims to use in spite of the difficulties involved in using them (and by difficulties, I mean the need to iron and stop edges from fraying, LOL).  Anyway, the girls love their new bunting and I think they are planning to pull them out every time we have a birthday party!  And hopefully any bunting I sew in the near future will be doily creations for my homewares store.    :)


  1. Yay Deb - I am on a bunting roll at the moment - All started when I made some for my girls birthday party and then snowballed into yet another crafty obsession!! oops.

  2. You can write about bunting anytime! I love it!


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