
Wednesday 26 January 2011

Cute as a Cupcake

Before I launch into today's post, I want to wish all of my Aussie readers a very happy Australia Day!  I hope you are all enjoying your public holiday, and for those of you who have to work, that you can still have some fun today.
By now you should know that I am a hopeless op shop and antiques store tragic (he he) who just can't help but pop in and look around at these stores wherever I go. will probably not surprise you to find out that on our recent weekend away to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary, I dragged my poor husband to several op shops and antiques stores and bazaars!

The dear man bore it with great patience, even having a poke around at the old books and furniture and buying some books too.  The cute crockery above are just some of the items I found on our travels (these were unearthed at the AMAZING "The Mill Markets") and consist of a pair of gilt-edged saucers (made specifically for Bevilles jewellers according to the back), sweet vintage Japanese-made egg cups and a pretty bone china plate.

While I absolutely love the design of these pieces of crockery, I am not really a collector (that would be pushing my husband's patience too far).   Instead, I transformed these orphan pieces of crockery into cute little cake stands which are large enough for a cupcake!  I am really tempted to keep them for myself, but I will most likely give them away as presents (with some home baked goodies on top).  I am also toying with the idea of selling my upcycled crockery creations, so I would really love your feedback!


  1. Ooh, I love the cake stand made with the egg cup, very sweet :)

  2. Very cute cake stand!

    and Happy 10th wedding anniversary! :)

  3. Deb, that idea is right up my alley. These redeemed orphaned chinaware would make adorable vessels to deliver a tiny cake to a new neighbor, or an invalid..........and I think you should sell them too.
    A little secret: when I go on the garden tours, which I love, I often see a tiny procelain tea cup glued to the saucer and mounted onto a metal pole. Voila!! a place for birdies to slosh around in.

  4. What a sweet idea, Deb!


  5. Excellent crafting Deb. I am a sucker for op shop clothing :p.

  6. Those are lovely Deb.

    The new Gallery in Nhill has one artist that takes old glass vases etc, glues them together to make candle stands.

    Best of luck with your new venture.


  7. Hey Deb, I just discovered your blog! I had no idea you were such a good writer or so crafty! Inspirartional!
    Cool idea with the little cupcake stand. What glue did you use?
    Love Rach Mc


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