
Thursday 20 January 2011

10 Years - Oh Wow!

Today's post is a little indulgent trip down "nostalgia lane" as my dear husband and I celebrate ten years of marriage.   : )   I look at these photos and think, "We look so young!", but that is probably because we were young back then, with Malcolm only just having finished university and finding his first full time job and me getting ready to enrol in a postdoctorate degree.
We got married on a stinking hot 36 degree (Celsius) day in an old heritage-protected church building which had no air conditioning at all.  (For those of you who are wondering, we chose to get married there because a) Malcolm attended the church which met there, b) it was a beautiful building and c) it was a nice central location for everyone.)  I think our guests had melted by the end of the ceremony and everyone made a rush for the drinks tables when afternoon tea was served!  I don't know how the boys survived in their three piece suits, but my bridesmaids and I were glad to be wearing summer dresses and tried hard not to sweat off our makeup.
Ten years, two mortgages and two cheeky monkeys later - I still love my "geeky white boy" like mad.  We've been through a lot together, and I know we will go through more in the future (especially as our celebrations this year are shadowed with worries about my dad's health), but I'm looking forward to more great years together.  Though it would be nice if I could look back at the photos and think, "Wow, I still look the same", he he!


  1. Beautiful Deb, congrats on 10yrs. xo

  2. Congrats Deb! 10 years, wow!

  3. Happy Anniversary Deb! Congratulations on 10 years. I can only hope I reach that wonderful milestone with my husband :).

  4. Congratulations!!!
    lovely pics

  5. Congrats on 10 years. We have our 10 year anniversary later in the to look forward to.

  6. Beautiful Deb! Here's to wishing a very happy future - 10 years +!


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