

Thanks to my faithful customers and supporters, ten percent of all Two Cheeky Monkeys and Domum Vindemia profits go towards supporting aid and advocacy organisations as well as other charitable funds.  Some of these are Australian-based, while others are internationally-based agencies.  Here is how your custom has helped those in need so far (from most recent to least recent, in descending order) - thank you!

World Vision - equipping children in struggling communities with much-needed school books
 World Vision - providing safe and efficient solar lights to families fleeing conflicts or natural disasters

 SIM Australia - providing food, shelter and counselling for girls and women living on the streets of Bangladesh

TEAR Australia - Providing disability access in Nepal to help those with disabilities to participate in community life

TEAR Australia - healthcare, sanitation and adult literacy in Laos, Mozambique and Bangladesh

World Vision Australia - healthcare and sanitation work in Asia and Africa

barnabas aid - emergency aid relief for those affected by flooding in Myanmar

 barnabas aid - providing food parcels to Syrian refugees

SIM Australia - Girls off the streets program - fighting child sex slavery in Bangladesh and India

Barnabas Fund - water projects in Asia and the Middle East.

Cancer Council Australia - The forgotten cancers project - in memory of my dad who passed away from a rare and aggressive cancer.

TEAR Australia - education and literacy programs in Zimbabwe, Bangladesh and India

TEAR Australia - Lydia's List program - supporting women's self help and empowerment projects in developing nations