

Hello, my name is Deb! I live in Melbourne, Australia with my wonderful husband and two cute (but also crazy) little girls who inspired the name of my store.

I have a PhD in molecular biology (technically it is from the Department of Pathology at the University of Melbourne, but I'm actually trained in genetics and molecular biology) but call myself an ex-research scientist and a stay at home mother turned jewellery designer.  I LOVE crafting of all sorts, especially jewellery making, sewing and papercrafting.  My husband jokes that I am addicted to craft and loves to tease me about my hot glue gun (which he has been known to borrow, LOL).

I was born in Singapore but have lived in Australia for most of my life.  I love to travel, especially back to Singapore, but would love to see more of Europe and Asia!  Of course, living in a country like Australia, there are plenty of fascinating places here which I am yet to visit or would love to re-visit.

I believe I have been very blessed by God to have the life and lifestyle that I live. Therefore, 10% of profits from my sales are donated to charitable and aid/advocacy organisations such as TEAR Australia, Compassion Australia, SIM Australia and Barnabas Fund.