
Thursday 31 May 2018

Thank you for your support!

As many of you know by now, I am committed to giving back to the community with both Two Cheeky Monkeys and Domum Vindemia by supporting charitable funds that help those in need.  This year, thanks to your amazing support of my businesses, I have been able to support four aid and advocacy organisations!

The first is the ZOE Foundation, an organisation which seeks to prevent the trafficking of children in Thailand as well as rescuing, caring for and rehabilitating unfortunate children who have already been trafficked to Thailand.

The second is the Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation which provides free treatment, counselling and physiotherapy and obstetric care to women who have suffered an obstetric fistula and to those who fall pregnant again after recovering from their surgery.

The last two organisations are ones which I have supported in the past, World Vision and Barnabas Fund, both of which work alongside NGOs in Africa, Asia and the middle East to help the underprivileged and oppressed in these areas.  So on behalf of these organisations, THANK YOU for helping me to help them!

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