
Thursday 22 June 2017

May Gibbs is back in town with the gumnut babies!

Okay, so not literally given that Australia's beloved children's author passed away in the 1960s.  But figuratively speaking for Domum Vindemia because I have finally re-stocked our range of much loved May Gibbs storybook buntings, which I first introduced back in 2014.

image bunting banner garland may gibbs gumnut babies domum vindemia etsy handmade counting numbers nursery decor

The alphabet bunting has been so popular that, as I write this blog post, the one that was in-store has sold out until I can get my hands on another of these out of print alphabet books.  But don't fret, there are still three other, yes THREE, May Gibbs buntings available in-store, an unprecedented number for us since they sell out very quickly.

image bunting banner garland may gibbs gumnut babies domum vindemia etsy handmade snugglepot and cuddlepie nursery decor

I am so honoured that my customers love the May Gibbs buntings so much, though I am not really surprised because who in their right mind could resist the adorable gumnut babies, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie?  I'd love to know if you're a huge May Gibbs fan like I am, and if you have a favourite gumnut babies story from your childhood?

image bunting banner garland may gibbs gumnut babies domum vindemia etsy handmade alphabet nursery decor

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