
Tuesday 13 June 2017

Little Women

Today's post is for the classic literature fans, especially those of you who have sisters and love Louisa May Alcott's Little Women.  Lately I've been so focussed on expanding my favourite ranges in Domum Vindemia that I've been neglecting Two Cheeky Monkeys a little bit.  So this is one step in my attempt to rectify that situation.

image little women quote locket sisters two cheeky monkeys handmade bookish literature

I first read Little Women when I was about eleven or twelve, and I think it's one of those classic stories that many have read and loved over the many centuries since it was first published.  Although the quote in this necklace doesn't come directly from Alcott's novel, it does come from the 1994 film version of her story and I believe it to be in character with something Jo March would have said to her sisters.

image little women quote locket sisters two cheeky monkeys handmade bookish literature

So what do you think?  Do you have a beloved sister (or two or three) who evoke this sentiment in your heart?  And do you have other favourite quotes from either the original novel or film and TV adaptations?

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