
Tuesday 10 January 2017

DIY Healthy Fruity Icypoles

If you're like me and LOVE all the amazing fruit available at summer time, or simply love frozen treats but want something a little healthier, then I have the recipe for you today!  The Two Cheeky Monkeys family sometimes get a bit carried away and buy more gorgeous summer fruit than we can eat.  So, rather than letting them go to waste, we turn them into frozen icypole treats to enjoy on those hot summer days.

image fruit icypoles frozen treat recipe healthy mango nectarine yoghurt strawberry diy two cheeky monkeys

The beauty of these super simple recipes is that they work for any fruit which can be pureed and/or frozen.  Which means that you can enjoy a range of different flavours, and even enjoy your beautiful homegrown fruit in a frozen ice treat!  (Ours are mango-heavy due to the fact that grandma Cheeky Monkeys scored a whole tray of mangoes super cheap.)

Three layer icypole
- 1-2 ripe mangoes (depends on their size)
- 1-2 ripe nectarines
- 1 tub of fruit yoghurt (we used strawberry)
- icypole mould
- wooden popsicle sticks (if your moulds don't come with their own sticks or if they're otherwise in use - like when we make multiple batches)

Two layer icypole
- 2 ripe mangoes (depending on size)
- plain milk (use whatever you have on hand, be it cow's milk, soy milk, etc)
- icypole mould
- wooden popsicle sticks

Three layer icypole
1. De-seed the nectarines then dice into small cubes.  Distribute the diced pieces between your icypole moulds.
2. Peel and seed the mangoes; blend until nicely pureed.  Divide the mango puree between the moulds, making sure to get some puree between the chunks of nectarine.
3. Top up each mould with fruit yoghurt and carefully insert the icypole sticks.  Freeze overnight.

Two layer icypole
1. Peel and seed the mangoes; blend until nicely pureed.  Divide the mango puree between the moulds.  Tap gently to remove any air bubbles.
2. Slowly and carefully top up each mould with the plain milk.  Gently insert the icypole sticks and freeze your icypoles overnight.

And there you have it, two different types of icypoles which can be changed up any way you like to create a whole host of luscious flavours.  For those who cannot have dairy, you can use dairy alternatives (such as soy or almond milk), substitute with unsweetened fruit juice, or simply leave out the dairy components.  Enjoy!

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