
Thursday 13 October 2016

Don't panic, but there are only 10 more weeks till Christmas!

When it comes to Christmas shopping, I think there are two types of people: the ones who think it's ridiculous that the stores are already selling tinsel and Christmas sweet treats in September, and the ones who can't get enough of it all year round.  But whichever category you fall into, thinking ahead is always the best way to go if you want to give the gift of Two Cheeky Monkeys or Domum Vindemia pretties this Christmas.

image christmas tree vintage decorations room photos

So, please take note of the following dates and start planning your handmade Christmas shopping early!
For customers in Asia, Oceania, Europe and North America: please have all your shopping done by November 29th.
For customers in Australia: you have until December 12th to do your shopping.
Purchases made after these dates may still reach you in time for Christmas, but they will definitely have to go via Express Post if you want to receive them this side of the new year.

Image source:

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