
Wednesday 25 May 2016

Whatever our souls are made of...

image locket necklace wing charm two cheeky monkeys silver beaded boho wuthering heights quote inset

I recently had the pleasure of creating a romantic locket necklace for a customer who, along with her husband, was very fond of Cathy Earnshaw's heartfelt "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" in Wuthering Heights.  Although I found Emily Bronte's novel to be rather dark, mournful and depressing, I know that many around the world adore this same quote.

image wuthering heights locket necklace jewellery jewelry whatever our souls are made of his and mine are the same two cheeky monkeys handmade quote literature typography

I quite like how this custom locket necklace fits in so well with all the other lockets in-store and am thinking of adding it to our regular range of necklaces.  What do you think?  Do you love this quote?  Or do you have another classic favourite?

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