
Monday 9 May 2016

No knead bread recipes for the win!

It's no secret that I love to bake, and in recent months I have been returning to my love of bread making (spawned in part by my parents' mild obsession with baking all types of bread in their bread machine when I was in my teens).  As a big fan of consuming more complex carbohydrates rather than feeding my family low nutrition carbs, I am always on the lookout for wholemeal, rye, spelt or multigrain bread recipes.

image wholemeal loaf bread

In my searches for a spelt-inspired pastry dough, I hit the motherload of amazing bread recipes at the site Artisan Breads 1...2...3...  I love their range of tried and tested recipes, as well as the fact that these are no knead recipes!  As a rather small woman with questionable upper body strength, not having to knead bread dough by hand (or pull out my bulky bread making machine) is always a plus.  The loaf pictured above is a wholemeal/whole wheat one which had an amazing smell and taste thanks to the addition of a little molasses.  Are you an avid bread maker too?

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