
Thursday 7 January 2016


Happy new year everybody!  I hope you had a wonderful and restful Christmas and new year period.  It's been a little crazy here at chez Two Cheeky Monkeys, hence my relative quietness on the blog of late.

image two cheeky monkeys jewellery store madeit closing down sale 25% off coupon code goodbye

For those of you who read the post title with some alarm, do not fear, I am not saying goodbye to the Two Cheeky Monkeys blog.  I am merely saying a temporary goodbye to my two Madeit stores of Two Cheeky Monkeys and Domum Vindemia.

image domum vindemia homewares store madeit closing down sale 25% off coupon code goodbye

With my health not being great, I am unable to keep running both Etsy and Madeit stores, especially with the precarious Australian dollar adding more stress to things.  So I am offering 25% off all purchases in my Madeit stores for the month of January, and then I will be closing those doors until I am able to run four online stores once again.
But never fear, you will still be able to purchase my handmade pretties in my Etsy stores and via Facebook or by emailing me.  I'm not removing my online presence completely, just temporarily stepping back a little for the time being.

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