
Wednesday 9 December 2015

Handy Dandy Needle Minders

image needle minder needle keeper literature jane eyre magnet domum vindemia

For those of you who remember back to my needle in the foot episode (which I'd really like to forget), this post is one of my ways of ensuring that others don't suffer a similar fate!  Although my accident was due to a dropped sewing box and a sloppy cleanup thereof, I am completely sold on the wisdom of using needle minders when working on hand sewing projects.

image needle minder needle keeper literature jane eyre magnet domum vindemia

So, with that in mind, I knew it was time to start creating needle minders/keepers for Domum Vindemia.  Of course, being me, I have gone down the path of making literature-themed needle minders!  The larger size (3cm - 1 & 3/16th in) of the glass cabochons I am using means that longer character names can be accomodated under the glass.  At the moment I am offering customers a choice of various Jane Austen characters, as well as Jane Eyre, To Kill a Mockingbird and Romeo & Juliet characters.  Who would you choose?

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