
Monday 24 August 2015

Helping those in need

Just a little update today for all of my faithful customers and supporters.  As you know, ten percent of Two Cheeky Monkeys and Domum Vindemia profits each year go to helping aid and advocacy organisations working to help the poor and oppressed.  Thanks to your support and custom, this last financial year I have so far managed to support two Barnabas Aid projects.

flooding in myanmar burma

These two projects are quite different from each other; the first project is currently sending emergency relief to those affected by the severe flooding which hit Myanmar in June and July, while the second project is currently providing food parcels for Syrian refugees fleeing the heinous atrocities being committed by the Islamic State radicals.

syrian refugees

Thanks to you, heartbroken and destitute men, women and children will receive the financial help they so desperately need at this time.  To see how your custom has helped to support charity work over the years, and continues to do so while our business doors remain open, I have set up a new "charity" page on this blog.  Thank you again.

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