
Friday 5 June 2015

Did you know?

Today I've put together a little post for my new readers (and my old faithful readers too) to get to know me a little better.  I know I don't post a lot about myself, so here are five facts which you may not already know.

1. I would LOVE to have red hair a la Jean Grey in X-Men: Days of Future Past (see above), or maybe like Yukio's in The Wolverine (see below).
2. The little Cheeky Monkeys think I'm crazy for wanting red hair and Mr Cheeky Monkeys is not sure what to think.
3. I can play the piano and the flute and have always dreamed of learning to play the cello.
4. I have a bit of a thing for sports cars, but not ones with wing doors.
5. I will happily listen to classical, jazz, rock, pop, dance and alternative music; sometimes all in the same day!

So that's a little about me.  Feel free to share any funny facts about yourself in the comments!

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