
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Two Cheeky Monkeys' Mother's Day Finds

Those of you living in Australia, the US and various European countries are probably more than aware that Mother's Day is fast approaching.  For some this is a time of frantically organising treats and surprises for your mother, mother-in-law or mother figure.  For others this is a sad time either because they cannot be mothers or because they miss their mothers who have passed.  For those in the latter category, my heartfelt hugs and wishes go out to you.
And for those in the madly organising category, here is a quick gift guide of Two Cheeky Monkeys' items for yourself or the woman you lovingly call "mum".  Don't forget that I am more than happy to ship purchases directly to your mother, and I offer Express Post shipping options too.

image two cheeky monkeys jewellery mother's day gift guide literature jewellery statement rings necklaces earrings bracelets

1. For the boho mum who loves something a little different.
2. Something for the mum who loves her bling big and loud.
3. For the traditional "pearls and twinset" mum.
4. There will always be days when mothers need jewellery which is practical but still gorgeous.
5. Some mums can't get enough of personalised pieces.
6. For literature-loving mothers.
7. For mums who love vintage styling.
8. Every mother needs a brooch (or two).

Monday 27 April 2015

Back into running I go!

So it's never easy for me to get back into my running after a break, especially now that the weather is turning wintry in Melbourne.  But, after having a month off from running while we were in Japan, it's nice to drag myself out for some fresh air and exercise.  Which is why I'm sharing one of my favourite songs with you today - hopefully I'll inspire you to get out and about, even if it's only for ten minutes.

Friday 24 April 2015

Tickle The Imagination Magazine Giveaway!

Edit: This giveaway is now CLOSED; congrats to Julie G., our winner.  Thank you to everyone who visited and joined in the fun!

image tickle the imagination magazine issue 19 autumn 2015 inkling

Yes, yes, yes, it's time for another tickle the imagination giveaway which I am running in conjunction with the bi-annual Sew Mama Sew giveaway day!!!  Now that I'm back from my travels and raring to go again, you will be hearing more about the latest issue of tickle.  In the mean time, those of you interested in winning yourself a copy of issue 19 can enter following a few simple steps.

1. Say "hi" and let me know where you're from (I'm in Melbourne, Australia).
2. Visit the tickle website and join their "tickle tribe", a monthly newsletter full of creative inspiration (and let me know that you have done so).
3. Followers of my blog, social media or Two Cheeky Monkeys newsletter get an extra entry.  Just let me know how you follow.

That's it!  I'll draw a winner on Sunday 10th May 2015 - this giveaway is open worldwide!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Literature Bracelet Launch

image jewellery jewelry two cheeky monkeys literature bracelet silver anne of green gables gilbert blythe

With Mother's Day (for Australians, US peeps and various European nationalities) due to be celebrated at the start of May, I am finally ready to launch my new and expanded literature bracelet range!  This new range features old favourite, Pride and Prejudice, as well as Anne of Green Gables and To Kill a Mockingbird.  I will also be adding other literary works to the range as well as a sheet music bracelet (even though it's not actually literature).  Which one would your mum love to own this mother's day?

image two cheeky monkeys bracelet literature jewellery jewelry to kill a mockingbird atticus finch boo radley harper lee

Monday 20 April 2015

We're Back!!!

Yes, yes, yes the Two Cheeky Monkeys family is back from gallivanting around Japan!  My brain is too tired to put it all into words just now, especially as this turned out to be a semi-disastrous trip with illness and seriously cramped shared accomodation.

In the mean time, I'll leave you with a photo of us all happy and not too sick, enjoying the sakura (cherry blossom) viewing at Shinjuku Gyoen in Tokyo.  Hopefully I'll have the energy to share more photos and travelling tips with you over the next few weeks.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Things I Love: Backpacks

Yes, I own a lot of bags, and yes, my family do refer to me as "the bag lady".  But I think there is no denying how funky, quirky or beautiful these backpacks are.  And, of course, they're extremely useful so you have to own at least one, right?  ;)

Monday 13 April 2015

Literature Bracelets

image two cheeky monkeys literature bracelet text typography pride and prejucide jane austen mr darcy elizabeth bennet Jane Mr Bingley

Some of you may remember the first range of Pride and Prejudice literature bracelets I started making for Two Cheeky Monkeys back in mid-2013.  Well, the simple elegance and quirkiness of these text-based bracelets proved to be popular and have since travelled to various locations around the world.

image two cheeky monkeys literature bracelet text typography pride and prejucide jane austen mr darcy elizabeth bennet

For those of you who missed out on the first incarnation of my literature bracelets, never fear!  I am currently in the process of not only designing more P&P bracelets, but will also be adding Jane Eyre, Anne of Green Gables and To Kill a Mockingbird to the range.  There are a few other famous novels I might add to the range too, but that will depend on the demand for them.  Which other stories would you love to see embodied in a bracelet?

Thursday 9 April 2015

One Pot Pasta Meals

I am, admittedly, a bit behind the eight ball when it comes to the one pot pasta meal phenomenom, but wow, am I loving it!  With a number of after school activities and other night-time committments, it is wonderful to have an easy to cook meal which can be thrown together at the last minute.  Here are a list of one pot pasta meals I am currently loving.

image one pot spicy chicken riggies recipe

image recipe one pot cheesy pasta with sausage

image recipe one pot leeks white wine zucchini pasta vegan

image recipe one pan pasta

Monday 6 April 2015

Crazy for chillies

I grew up with a chilli fiend for a mum and a dad who, while not a chilli extremist himself, enjoyed eating spicy food too.  In fact, my first memory of eating chilli was as a five year old asking my dad for a taste of his fish curry!  My dad's love of gardening and his quest to supply my mum with hot chillies on a regular basis led to him growing his own chilli plants, giving away any which my mum deemed not to be hot enough.

Sadly, my dad has since passed, but Mr Cheeky Monkeys has now taken on the mantle of "chilli grower" in the family.  The photo above is just a sample of the chillies he is currently cultivating, some grown from seed and some from very small seedlings he bought.  Of course, he grows some of the hottest chillies to be found in the world, including the rocoto, habenero and scorpion varieties.  So tell me, are you a fan of chillies and spicy food?

Friday 3 April 2015

Happy Easter 2015

image easter cross totally crosses beaded cross ornament

As the Two Cheeky Monkeys family continues to enjoy our getaway for a family member's wedding, I want to wish you all a blessed and beautiful Easter break.  May it be a wonderful time for you to enjoy the company of friends and family, ponder on the meaning of Easter and grab some R&R over the long weekend holiday.

"...but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8 (ESV)

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