
Wednesday 14 January 2015

Daylesford Fun

I can't believe it's already been a week since the Two Cheeky Monkeys family returned from our little getaway to the town of Daylesford, a few hours' drive from our home in Melbourne!  In spite of the sometimes extreme heat we experienced while up there, we had a fun time exploring our surrounds and visiting what felt like every single gift/handmade/antiques store, market or bazaar in the area.

For those interested in visiting Daylesford, there is definitely more to see and do than the oft-advertised spas and beauty treatments (of which there are so many different practitioners that it can be a little overwhelming choosing which one to use).  We managed a few scenic walks, especially around Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens, Lake Daylesford and the various designated mineral springs areas (but I wouldn't recommend drinking the springwater, even though it's perfectly safe, as it tastes pretty awful).  If we had been brave enough, we could also have swum in the lake or chosen to go out in paddle boats.  Just out of Daylesford in the nearby smaller towns there are also lots of great walks and activities, such as Lavandula (a Swiss-Italian lavender farm) and the Chocolate Mill (a drool-worthy chocolate factory).

Daylesford is also the home of several antiques/secondhand markets and bazaars; The Mill Markets are the largest and best known, followed by the smaller (but more manageable) Daylesford Bazaar and Brick Lane Bazaar.  We had fun at the weekly Daylesford Sunday market and there are also monthly farmers and handmade markets if you visit at the right time of the month.  Daylesford is the home to plenty of small art galleries and specialty food and gift stores too.  There are lots of eating out options (I think Bocconcini will always hold a special place in our hearts just for its name alone, though the food and service are great) as well as two supermarkets should you wish to cook your own meals.

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