
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Doily-fying Again

Okay, so "doily-fying" isn't a real word, but I thought it described very well what I frequently do around here: add doilies to otherwise plain items.  The two Cheeky Monkeys have been asking for winter skirts, and since we couldn't find any they liked in the stores, I agreed to make some for them.  

image corduroy skirt royal blue doily vintage cream beige

They chose a royal blue corduroy, which we scored at a huge discount at Spotlight, and the fabric then sat on my bench for about a month...oops!  Anyway, I've finally started sewing the Monkeys' skirts; here is the first one, which Monkey #2 decided to team with some very bright stripey tights.  What do you think? Are you a doily decorator too?

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