
Monday 2 June 2014

Things I Love - Tea

I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to drink tea almost literally by the gallon in the colder months, especially now that I am a work at home mum/jewellery designer/upcycler.  I think this is partly because I am conscious of my need to stay hydrated (and warm) and partly because in my days as a research scientist, I didn't have the luxury of sipping a delicious drink while I worked (wouldn't want to accidentally drink that bacteria culture or experimental cell line!)  So today I am sharing a few of my favourite teas to drink, some of which are very affordable, others not so much.  And for all the coffee drinkers out there, I'm afraid I don't have any favourites to share with you.  Not because I don't like coffee, I just can't drink a lot of it for various health reasons (insert sad face).

I love chai tea, and Madame Flavour makes one of my favourite blends.

Okay, T2's Cocoa Loco is technically more of a tisane than a tea, but it kind of gets me a bit of a chocolate fix without all the calorie issues.

I think it's hard to grow up in a Chinese family without developing a taste for herbal teas, and Dilmah's green tea with jasmine is a favourite in our household.

I'd happily accept any tea blend from Tea Leaves, but Irish Breakfast is a firm favourite.

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