
Friday 28 February 2014

It's the small things...

I don't know what it is about security doors (actually, doors in general), but the last two homes Mr Cheeky Monkeys and I have owned have both had issues with faulty doors.  A security door in our first home broke within a week of us moving in and our current home has had problems with both the front and back doors (including my most recent escapade juggling a massive glass door on my own to stop it crashing and breaking when it slipped out of its sliding channel - eep).

So you can imagine how excited I am that we finally had a brand new security door installed at our front door!  I know, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but this is HUGE for us because we have been battling with a shonky security door since we moved in (it broke the day we moved in - gah) and it has taken us almost two years to organise this new door what with the various issues cropping up over the last few years.  Now that I've got a functional security front door, I'm going to open my wooden door to let in the beautiful breeze every chance I can get!

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