
Friday 17 January 2014

DIY Decorated Jars

Today I'm sharing a quick tutorial for the cute decorated jars I first mentioned back in April last year.  They really are very easy to assemble, but I thought I would share a DIY anyway.  This is such an easy project that the Two Cheeky Monkeys were able to do much of the job themselves.

image diy tutorial decorated glass jars

- clean jars, either purchased from a discount store or recycled after you've eaten your favourite jam/pasta sauce/etc
- spray paint
- small acrylic figurines (animals, objects, whatever you like!)
- glue: epoxy adhesive, E6000 or liquid nails are all good
- newspaper or drop sheet
- paint undercoat or primer (optional)

image diy decorated jars tutorial painted figurines

 1. Clean and dry the jar lids.  When the lids are completely dry, lay out your newspaper or drop sheet in a WELL VENTILATED area and paint the lids with the paint primer.  Or, if you are lazy like me, simply spray paint the lids with one coat of paint.  Let the paint dry and repeat with as many layers of paint as required to cover your lids nicely (I would recommend at least two coats of paint).

image tutorial diy decorated painted jars spray lids with paint in well ventilated area

2. When the last coat of paint is completely dry, glue your figurine or decoration to the lid.  Leave your jar lid to fully dry before using the jar.  Learn from my experience, if you don't let the glue fully cure and give said jars to your small people, they will hold the jar ONLY by the figurine and everything will fall apart and there will be tears.  You have been warned!

image tutorial diy decorated jars painted lids glue figurines to the painted lid

3. Once the glue has completely cured and your figurines are securely attached to the jar lids, fill your jars with whatever tickles your fancy (oldest Monkey filled her jar with her prize collection of plastic beads).

Alternative - If your plastic figurine is a rather ugly colour or perhaps was a battered find from the op shop, you could hide any imperfections by painting the figurine the same colour as the lid.  To do this, simply attach your figurine to the lid BEFORE painting.  Allow the glue to fully cure, then spray paint your lid, figurine and all!  If you choose to decorate your jar lid this way, be careful to avoid drips when painting the decoration; you wouldn't want to ruin your cute new jar, would you?

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