
Monday 13 January 2014

Adding a Homespun Touch

image homespun art corner photo lino print watercolour spool still life

Since I seem to have spent most of this summer holidays attempting to rest and recover from a lingering sinus infection, I have had a fair amount of time to read through some inspirational creative books.  My current two favourites are Homespun Style by Selina Lake, and The Crafty Minx At Home by Kelly Doust.  Both of these books share hints, ideas and/or projects for decorating one's home in beautiful handmade (or homespun) style.

image homespun art corner photo lino print watercolour spool still life photography

The Two Cheeky Monkeys and I have been completely inspired by these two books (both of which shared ideas I have been thinking about for a while now) and I took some time out from my resting to brighten up a corner of my bedroom.  I very quickly and simply attached a range of photo prints and artwork I own directly to the wall using Love Mae fabric wall stickers.  It's a little wonky, but my disparate range of photos and art has really lifted this corner of my room!  The art you see can be found at 74 Lime Lane (most of the photo prints), Dandelion Lady (the linocut print, bottom left), wiccked (the watercolour work, top left), Filmless Photos and One Ripple Photography.

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