
Monday 28 October 2013

Crochet Covered Stones: A New Distraction

image crochet covered stones pebbles doily rock stone cosy cozy

Today's post is all about my new distraction...erm, "skill I have learned".  I have admired the quirkiness of crochet-covered stones and pebbles for some time, but put off making any of my own until I could find the "perfect" stone.  Of course, it would have been faster and easier to go to the store and buy some (which I did in the end), but I loved the idea of finding a beautifully sea-smoothed stone.
I did find one beautiful stone on our recent holiday to Port Macquarie (the bottom left one in the photo), and have covered that one following Margaret Oomen's great tutorial over at The Purl Bee.  The designs on the other stones were adapted from tutorials I found at flax & twine and Let's Yarnify.  Once you understand the technique of crocheting a stone cosy, it is fairly easy to adapt any doily or round type patterns for covering your stones.  I am thinking these would make great gifts as paperweights or whimsical home decor.  And I'm even toying with the idea of creating my own designs for selling in Domum Vindemia.  What do you think?

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