
Wednesday 28 August 2013

Sneak Peek: Domum Vindemia's Christmas Range

image domum vindemia christmas stocking vintage doily linen doilies embroidered

I don't want to scare you, but did you know that Christmas is in four months' time???  I know this seems like a long time for most (especially small people!), but for a small retail business like mine, it's a time when I have to prepare for the busy Christmas shopping season.

image domum vindemia christmas stocking vintage doily linen doilies embroidered

This year, I am preparing Domum Vindemia for the busy season by expanding my range of fabric Christmas stockings.  Over the next few weeks I will be slowly adding Christmas stockings made from vintage, embroidered doilies (like the ones shown above) to my stores.  I love the "patchwork" effect produced by piecing together these old doilies - what do you think? 

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