
Monday 12 August 2013

Commemorative Crafting

In the lead up to my second round of foot surgery, I had a lot of fun reading through Julie Collings' book, Pretty Little Felts.  I can definitely recommend the book for those who love to create both functional and decorative projects from beautiful felt.  I LOVE to create with felt because it is both an affordable fabric and very forgiving too; it is also a great material for little ones to use in their crafting.  Anyway, I fell in love with the vintage photo ornament project and decided that I had to turn a photo from my parents' wedding into a commemorative ornament!  Every time I look at this photo I am taken away by how pretty my mum looks (and how brave she was to wear her hair down and a long-sleeved dress in the midst of the Singapore HEAT) and have a giggle at my adorably dorky dad with his horn-rimmed glasses.  The photo also makes me a little sad as I remember how much I miss my dad, but generally, it is to me a wonderful celebration of the years they had together and the strong and encouraging marriage they built.

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