
Monday 15 July 2013

The Madeit Launch Party

Hello dear readers - I am back in blogland after a week off working on my crocheted shawl and finally having the stitches removed from my foot.  I'm itching to get back into blogging and have lots of ideas buzzing around!


Today's exciting news on the blog is that Madeit have finally completed their site revamp and are having a launch party to celebrate with giveaways, discounts and lots of other fun activities.  I am participating by offering discounts in both of my stores.  There will be 10% OFF at Two Cheeky Monkeys when you use the above coupon code at checkout (including 10% off already discounted items) and 15% OFF at Domum Vindemia when you use the coupon code below.

Keep up to date with all the fun by checking the Madeit Facebook page, which will be regularly updated with news, discounts and giveaways.  Come and celebrate with us and support Aussie crafters, creators and artisans!

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