
Wednesday 19 June 2013

Everlasting Cacti

image crochet saguaro cactus
 I have a thing for saguaro and pestered my dad to let me photograph myself with one when we drove through Arizona on our all America trip years and years ago!

I don't know about you, but I have a bit of a thing for cacti.  I'm not sure if it's because I like a little danger every now and then (prickly plants and klutzy people really don't mix!), or if it's the weird and wonderful variety of shapes and colours they display, depending on the species.

image crochet cactus stalk cactus flower
Finding mini plant pots to fit my cacti proved difficult; I think I much prefer using tiny teacups and espresso cups instead.

Although I love cacti, I have a hard time keeping them alive (I didn't inherit my dad's green thumb).  This is due in part to the fact that it's hard keeping something which normally lives in the desert alive in Melbourne's cold, wet winters and all the places I have lived in recent times have had some sort of creature (I suspect possums) which find cacti to be a delicacy.

image crochet round cactus flower

So when I recently saw a photo of some absolutely adorable crocheted cacti in tiny little pots, I was determined to get some for myself.  My plan quickly hit a snag when I realised that the store stocking these cute faux succulents was nowhere near where I live and didn't offer shipping of products.  Undeterred, a quick Google search yielded a multitude of free crocheted cacti patterns.  The patterns I used to make these three sweeties can be found at Little Things Blogged and La Casa de Crafts.  I'm thinking that my kitchen window sill will look much cheerier with these three cacti lined up along it!


  1. they're gorgeous, I especially love the first one :)

    I think I have (had?) a crochet cactus given to me years ago - might have to see if I can find it.

  2. Check out:

    I don't crochet but I love it and I love Planet June's items. She has patterns for cacti (and tons of other cute stuff).

    (I'm not affiliated with her at all, just really like her stuff)


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