
Wednesday 20 March 2013

If You Haven't Got Your Health...

For those of you who don't know, about a week and a half ago I stupidly stepped on a sewing needle that had somehow been dropped on my carpet.  Now I step on things all the time because I love to go around barefoot, but this time, I stomped pretty hard on the needle and have had a foot infection and a fair amount of pain since my accident.  I've had multiple appointments with my wonderful general practitioner and my orthopaedic surgeon as well as ultrasounds, MRI and X-rays done on the foot.  And yes, as you may have guessed, there is still a piece of needle embedded in my foot and causing problems.

So, this lovely (not) injury I have caused to myself needs to be operated on and the needle removed ASAP.  Which means that, as of Thursday, I will be in a special protective, post-surgery boot unable to run, drive or even walk.  This also means that the virtual doors of Two Cheeky Monkeys and Domum Vindemia will be shut until I feel up to packaging orders and getting poor Mr Cheeky Monkeys to go to the post office for me.  And although I don't hold to the "if you haven't got your health, you haven't go anything" philosphy of Count Rugen, The Princess Bride is a movie that never fails to crack me up when I watch it.  Perhaps I'll spend my recuperation time watching The Princess Bride and other favourite movies, and hopefully it's onwards and upwards from here, footwise!

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