
Monday 28 January 2013

Hanging With Animals

image melbourne zoo montage butterfly major mitchell cockatoo long necked turtle seal zebra jabiru giant tortoise koala emu

Last week I finally took the two cheeky monkeys to have some fun at the Melbourne Zoo as I'd promised.  I've never made such a long trip with them on my own before (we spent pretty much the entire day at the zoo), but we all survived!  And even better, we had our friends from Chibi Run come along with us for the day too.  I love visiting zoos, I think it's the scientist in me, and the monkeys did have lots of fun when they weren't bickering with each other or asking me if I had any more food in my bag (the joys of parenthood).
The cheeky monkeys have only visited two major zoos in their short lives, and they still like Singapore Zoo the best (except for the humidity!), but I think this year might be the year we make the effort to visit the other two main zoos in our home state, the Werribee Zoo and Healseville Sanctuary.  Do you have a favourite zoo near to your home?

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