
Friday, 16 November 2012

Thank you for helping me to help others

image vintage thank you shabby chic

Back in August I was excited to reach some special milestones in my Two Cheeky Monkeys stores and I promised that I would tell you a bit more about how your purchases from both Domum Vindemia and Two Cheeky Monkeys go towards helping those who are in need.  But firstly, I would like to say THANK YOU once again to everyone who has made a purchase from my stores or from me in person.  You helped me to make a profit this last financial year - amazing!  Customer sales give me a big smile, help me to support my craft habit (he he he) and, most importantly, they also help those less fortunate than myself.
image TEAR Australia charity aid organisation

As I mentioned in that blog post back in August, I like to use some of my business profits to support charities which have a special place in my heart.  The first of these organisations is TEAR Australia, a "Christian development, relief and advocacy organisation responding to global poverty and injustice".  This year I have specifically supported their education and literacy work in Zimbabwe, India and Bangladesh.  As someone who has been privileged to receive education at pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary levels, it saddens me to see that many around the world do not have the opportunity to receive even the most basic education due to poverty or prejudice.
image the forgotten cancers project
I also decided to support The Forgotten Cancers Project, an initiative being run by the Cancer Council of Victoria.  This project aims to study the causes of less common cancers in the hopes of eventually developing treatments and methods of early diagnosis.  I was excited to hear about The Forgotten Cancers Project because, as many of you know, I lost my beloved dad to an aggressive and comparatively rare cancer last year.  I was also extremely interested in this project because, having studied and worked in cancer research (in what feels like a lifetime ago), I know just too well how complex the field of cancer research is and how hard it can be to gain funding for research into a disease when there are few or no survivors to petition the government for funds.
On that note, I want to thank you all again for supporting my small home business.  It is gratifying to know that so many people love what I do and even more gratifying to know that I can support two causes which mean so much to me too.

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