
Wednesday 21 November 2012

Scent of a Kitchen

image vintage powder box candle vanilla roses red yellow maude

I recently spent a day turning my stash of vintage teacups and powder boxes into container candles for Domum Vindemia.  I haven't finished filling all of my teacups yet, but my house has been smelling delightfully of vanilla ever since.  I loooove the scent of vanilla, but then I also loooove desserts and cakes, ha ha ha.

image teacup candle vintage loretta domum vindemia pink flowers

Each candle is made from standard, vanilla-scented candle wax and I am so in love with every single one - I don't want to sell them!  I stock candles in both my Etsy and Madeit stores, so you can shop at whichever site you prefer.  I only make vanilla-scented candles at the moment, but may one day branch out to other scents.  What are your favourite candle scents?

image teacup candle vintage-style willow-style blue and white ede

image vintage handmade powder box red roses candle vanilla scented
Beryl Candle


I love finding out what my readers think, so thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment!