
Wednesday 17 October 2012

My Creative Space

image beaded bracelets delicate feather charm macrame arm candy jewellery jewelry

There hasn't been much creating for Two Cheeky Monkeys or Domum Vindemia this week (okay, there hasn't been any creating for my stores), but I have been having fun making more bracelets for myself.  I know, I really don't need any more bracelets, but I am using this as an opportunity to try out or improve on new techniques I've learnt.  This week I've mostly been practising good, old-fashioned macrame knots - focussing on the square knot in particular.
As you can see, the middle most bracelet is simply a series of square knots (made with waxed linen cord) with a simple filigree charm in the centre.  The right most bracelet was made with pretty ceramic beads I was given by a lovely fellow jewellery-maker and I've used a row of square knots to make a sliding closure.  And the little golden bracelet between the two I've already mentioned?  It was so simple to put together I'm embarrassed to admit I have never done it before!  A pretty charm, two lengths of chain and a clasp are all you need to get yourself a cute little bracelet - simple, right?  So have you tried any new creative techniques this week?  Or are they still on your "to do" list?

1 comment:

  1. Great tute!
    Craft gossip is awesome for featuring you my fellow teammate :)


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