
Wednesday 5 September 2012

Giving Cheer to Others - Operation Christmas Child

image operation christmas child logo

As department stores start reminding us how many weeks there are left till Christmas and to get our Christmas shopping done early (Have you considered buying handmade? How about something from Two Cheeky Monkeys or Domum Vindemia? Wink, wink, giggle.) there are many around Australia and around the world who have started thinking about Operation Christmas Child.  I was so sure that I had mentioned Operation Christmas Child on my blog in the past, but have not been able to find my last post, so apologies if any of this is giving you deja vu.
image operation christmas child gift
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a program run every year by Samaritan's Purse, a charitable organisation which began in the USA but now has branches in multiple countries around the world.  The aim of OCC is to provide needy children, from a variety of countries, with a smile at Christmas time by giving them a box full of new clothes, toys, school supplies and other useful items.  My church has been encouraging members to take part for many years now, as has Monkey #1's school, and my kids love choosing items for children whom they know they will probably never meet.  For those of you who love to create, what better opportunity to use your crafty skills than to whip up a handmade toy, piece of clothing, hair accessories, etc. to add to a box!
image operation christmas child gift giving shoebox charity
For those of you who are thinking, "Helping out those in need at Christmas is one thing, but what happens to these people the rest of the year?", well, that is a great question to ask!  You could consider supporting charitable organisations such as World Vision, Samaritan's Purse or Compassion Australia year round through their child sponsorship or community aid programs.  Or you could organise for people from your child's school, your place of work or your sports team to contribute together and make a difference as a group.  The possibilities really are endless.

1 comment:

  1. A very worthy charity. My twin niece and nephews birthdays are in November and my sister in law has taken to having a Christmas Child "donation" in lieu of pressies where all the guests bring a box or donations for building up boxes. She is such a lovely inspiration!


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