
Friday 22 June 2012

A Little Inspiration...Rick Rack

With winter well and truly making itself felt in Melbourne, the two cheeky monkeys seem to be stuck in an ongoing cycle of illness (caught from their caring sharing friends at school and kindergarten).  Mr Cheeky Monkeys and I are currently seriously sleep-deprived after two nights of constantly waking up to help monkey #2, who has caught a flu-like virus that is exacerbating her asthma.  Of course, caring for a sick little one, trying to keep the other little one healthy and trying to function with little sleep has meant that my creating efforts this week have been seriously derailed.  All I have managed in the last few days is to drool over gorgeous supplies for sale and dream of the creations I can make with them.  And at the moment I am highly enamoured of rick rack; it's such a cute embellishment for any sewing project and comes in a great range of colours, sizes and designs.  Do you love rick rack?


  1. I do love rick rack, when I was a child I used to love going through my mums sewing box, it would keep me busy for hours. She had bright purple rick rack... I loved it, still do.

  2. Ric rac is awesome. It makes the best sock monkey mouthes (especially if it's glow in the dark).

    I just discovered a great thrift store that has a ton of older sewing stuff including some fabulous (very small width) ric rac. It's like heaven on earth.


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